This page is designed to inform all compatriots around the world and our friends of all activities that might be of interest to them.
If you are organising an event or activity and would like to publicise it to all Oinoussians FREE OF CHARGE, please use the 'Contact' tab on the menu to list it on this page.
14 May: Queen Sofia of Spain visits Oinousses
3 November: The 2007 Oinoussian Gala - London, UK
18 November: The 2006 Oinoussian Ball - London, UK
3 September: 4ο Διεθνές Συμπόσιο Aεροδιαστημικής Iατρικής και Διαστημικών Eρευνών - Oinousses, Greece
5 November: The 2005 Oinoussian Ball - London, UK
12 February: Oinousses Benevolent Fund Annual General Meeting - London
7 March: National Parliamentary Elections - Greece
22-24 April: 9ο Τουριστικό Πανόραμα - 9th Tourist Panorama - Piraeus, Greece
8 June: Oinoussian Benevolent Fund Executive Committee Meeting - London, UK
10-13 June: European Parliamentary Elections
15 July: Oinousses host the 2004 Olympic Torch Relay - Oinousses, Greece
13-29 August: 2004 Olympic Games - Athens, Greece
15 August One Year Anniversary of Oinousses: Our homeland...
17-28 September: 2004 Paralympic Games - Athens, Greece
6 November: The 2004 Oinoussian Ball - London, UK
15 August: Official launch of our website "Oinousses: Our homeland..." in London
NOTE: If you are organising an event or celebrating an occasion and would like to publicise it to all Oinoussians free of charge, please use the 'Contact' tab of the menu to list it on this page.